The Government of South Georgia & South Sandwich starts to review the Marine Protected Area (MPA).
The Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands has started the first 5-year review of its Marine Protected Area (MPA).
The review will focus on the following points:
- To consider how scientific understanding of the South Georgia Maritime Zone has developed since 2013
- To priorities for future scientific research, including any new research and monitoring that may be necessary
- To review the effectiveness of current management measures and consider any revisions to management measures.
A number of key stakeholders in the MPA have been offered the opportunities to submit their views on the points above to inform the review process.
An ad-hoc advisory group will undertake the review process and consider the submissions. Membership for the group is being invited from a representative range of stakeholder groups with interests in the Marine Protected Area. Peter Thomson, Operational Director at Argos Froyanes will be part of the group, which will meet for the first time in November. The group will be tasked to provide a report to the Government by the end of May 2018.
For more information about the review please visit: